About the project
With the idea of contributing to the promotion of Quality education in Europe, Literature in praxis: Professional challenges of reading, translating and editing in digital age (LITPRAX) is the answer to the current situation of the students’ habit and reading literature competences in partners’ countries.
Based on the survey that has been made previous to the project application, the need to broaden and deepen the reading skills has been detected among university students, as well as a marked interest in pursuing further training in the activities related to the publishing domain.
Thus, the activities proposed by LITPRAX would complement the skills acquired in the classroom, offering new practical skills for future professionals, applicable to various fields of work through developed curricula, handbook and activity notebook, website and data base.
The priority of the project is to directly involve students at all study levels with each year 25 – 30 students of Spanish, to boost their employability opportunities, designing, implementing, testing, disseminating and ensuring the sustainability of a digital and open access database on translated literature written in Spanish, published in Romanian, Serbian and Slovenian since 2000 until today.
Objectives of LITPRAX
- Ponder the practical aspects of literature, oriented to the labor market of participating students.
- Develop and foster the entrepreneurial spirit.
- Strengthen the digital competence of the participants.
- Study, analyze and understand the importance of specific actors in the literary field.
- Take the literary texts in Spanish and apply them to national and transnational contexts.
Tags: Translation, Reception, Investigation, Literature, Reading, Editing, Practical aspects of literature, Slovenia, Serbia, Romania, Spain, Latin America, Spanish speaking countries